Helping Muslim Communities in Asia


As a result of ethnic and sectarian conflicts in Asia, faced by the Baha’i communities in Bangladesh and the Rohingya people in Myanmar and Bangladesh, the living conditions of these Muslim minorities have worsened, resulting in their lack of safe and stable living conditions.


Providing development contributions in health, education, vocational and technical training, food security and infrastructure sectors.


The needs of the Muslim communities were met by giving priority to improving the education and health sectors through developing schools, providing educational lessons for children, establishing health centers to provide primary health care services and food baskets, and working to develop other development areas such as vocational and technical training to provide job opportunities for the local population to activate sustainable development in those communities, raise the standard of living, improve the economy, reduce inequality, and support peaceful coexistence.

Project Areas

Cox’s Bazar, Mohammadpur, Sayedpur, Mirpur
  1. More than 2 million people achieving project impact including 12 sub-projects
  2. 4100 shelters sheltering 132,782 people


مشاريع فاعل خير

برنامج خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز –يرحمه الله- للأعمال الخيرية

(فاعل خير)


أبقى مطلعاً

قم بالتسجيل بالقائمة البريدية لتبقى على اطلاعٍ دائم بآخر أخبار مؤسسة الملك عبدالله الإنسانية. نحن عادة لا نرسل أكثر من نشرتين بالشهر. وبإمكانك إلغاء الاشتراك بالقائمة البريدية عبر الرابط الموضح بآخر كل رسالةٍ تصلك من طرفنا ولن نقوم بعدها بإرسال المزيد من النشرات. كما أنه لن يتم مشاركة بريدك الإلكتروني مع أي جهة خارجية أو استعماله لغرض آخر.