From Poverty to Prosperity

Who enabled her to restore her livelihood in addition to 344,000 beneficiaries of microloans

At First

Mursheda Begum and her husband were struggling to make ends meet, earning between $1.19 and $1.79 a day. This meager income was insufficient to support their family’s basic needs, leading to daily hardship and instability.

During this time

Mursheda discovered her talent for poultry farming and began investing in this area despite the challenges she faced. Additionally, she received support from the King Abdullah Charity Program, which provided her with a $165 loan in 2017. This enabled her to expand her business and establish her poultry farm. As her business grew, she received additional loans, eventually totaling $702, allowing her to further expand her business and secure her children’s education.


Through hard work and the support she received, Mursheda is now a successful entrepreneur. She has achieved financial independence, earning between $175 and $210 a day. She now aims to expand her project to provide employment opportunities for needy women and make a positive impact on her community.

“Your support was the turning point in my life. I am deeply indebted to you.”
Mursheda Begum
A beneficiary of the Cyclone Sidr Recovery Project in Bangladesh


أبقى مطلعاً

قم بالتسجيل بالقائمة البريدية لتبقى على اطلاعٍ دائم بآخر أخبار مؤسسة الملك عبدالله الإنسانية. نحن عادة لا نرسل أكثر من نشرتين بالشهر. وبإمكانك إلغاء الاشتراك بالقائمة البريدية عبر الرابط الموضح بآخر كل رسالةٍ تصلك من طرفنا ولن نقوم بعدها بإرسال المزيد من النشرات. كما أنه لن يتم مشاركة بريدك الإلكتروني مع أي جهة خارجية أو استعماله لغرض آخر.