Cyclone Sidr Response Project in Bangladesh


Cyclone Sidr, which hit the southern belt areas of Bangladesh, caused heavy loss of life and property.


Protecting the local population from the dangers of natural disasters by building schools and shelters that are resistant to natural disasters.


The project responded to the needs of those affected by the Cyclone Sidr disaster by constructing dual-use buildings equipped with solar energy sources to serve as regular schools on ordinary days, and can be used as shelters during cyclones, and equipped with rainwater collection tanks due to the urgent need for potable water that is used throughout the year. The affected population was also rehabilitated and supported in restoring their livelihoods lost as a result of the cyclone through micro-loans that facilitate their involvement in various rural fields such as agriculture and livestock breeding in addition to free training courses. The targeted families have seen a significant increase in assets owned and higher expenditure as well as a decrease in malnutrition among their members and have quickly recovered their losses as a result of benefiting from the loans provided.

Project areas on the map of Bangladesh

East Coast of Bangladesh
  1. 185 School/Shelter
  2. To shelter 370,000 people
    and more than 92,000 head f livestock
  3. and education of 44,000 students
  4. 344,000 microcredit beneficiaries
مشاريع فاعل خير

برنامج خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز –يرحمه الله- للأعمال الخيرية

(فاعل خير)


أبقى مطلعاً

قم بالتسجيل بالقائمة البريدية لتبقى على اطلاعٍ دائم بآخر أخبار مؤسسة الملك عبدالله الإنسانية. نحن عادة لا نرسل أكثر من نشرتين بالشهر. وبإمكانك إلغاء الاشتراك بالقائمة البريدية عبر الرابط الموضح بآخر كل رسالةٍ تصلك من طرفنا ولن نقوم بعدها بإرسال المزيد من النشرات. كما أنه لن يتم مشاركة بريدك الإلكتروني مع أي جهة خارجية أو استعماله لغرض آخر.