Indonesia Tsunami Orphans Sponsorship Project


The Tsunami that hit the coast of South and Southeast Asia in 2004 in the Republic of Indonesia affected more than 30,000 displaced or orphaned children who lost one or both parents due to the lack of basic services, such as health and education.


  • Providing orphaned children with a decent and basic life.
  • Providing monthly living aids.
  • Providing them with health care, education and guidance.
  • Launching vocational rehabilitation courses starting from the secondary school stage in order to develop their multiple skills and prepare them for the labor market.
  • Providing scholarships for outstanding students.


Following the generous directive of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz to help those affected and provide care for orphaned victims of the Cyclone by providing monthly grants for each orphan in addition to health care, guidance, counseling, follow-up, training and development activities, and rehabilitation of orphaned children to be able to enroll in universities and integrate into society, the project also contributed to providing scholarships for outstanding students to complete their university studies.

  1. Rehabilitating more than 13,000 orphans to regain their identity within their community

by providing

  • living expenses
  • Education and Health Support
  • Vocational training
  • Vocational and sports activities

Project area on the map of Indonesia

Aceh Province


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