Hope is born in the womb of suffering

A benefactor brought hope to 500.000 of Somalis

Fatima’s mother had endured a long difficult life due to the severe droughts that had plagued Somalia, forcing families to flee their homes and face the challenges of displacement. The most heart-wrenching aspect of their ordeal was the deprivation of Fatima’s education, as she spent her entire day bringing water to the house. Each morning at eight, she would embark on her long eight-kilometer journey to bring water for cooking. One day, Fatima returned home exhausted and in tears, her mother’s heartbreaking at her daughter’s suffering and feeling helpless to change their situation.

One morning, Fatima’s mother awoke to find drilling equipment in the area. She knew that a well was being built as part of a charity project. Overjoyed, she realized that their suffering was finally coming to an end. A few months later, the well was completed, and a new school was built. Fatima was now able to attend school and focus on her studies. No longer burdened by the arduous task of bringing water, she had the time to learn and develop the skills she needed to succeed in life.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to King Abdullah Humanitarian Foundation for their compassionate efforts.”
Fatima's mother
A beneficiary of the Deep Wells and Schools Project in Somalia


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